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Showing posts from June 28, 2009

Food item of the week-a perfect match for a meal idea

Here is a perfect combination from once again our good old friend "Trader Joes" Trader Joes brand Valencia Peanut Butter with Roasted Flaxseeds-crunchy and salty, it contains 320 mg ALA Omega 3 Fatty Acids per serving (approx 2 tsps) and the ingredients are merely peanuts, roasted golden flaxseeds and salt plus....... Trader Joe's Organic Superfruit Spread (a blend of morello cherrys, red grapes, blueberries and pomegranates) which is mostly from juices but only 8 grams of sugar per tsp and contains 60% DV of Vit C per serving This combination is an anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and pro-nutrient dense match and might I add, on some whole grain full of seeds bread, it is a yummy sandwich!!!!!!!! you can enjoy as a meal or snack!