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Showing posts from February 15, 2009

My wonderful story... to make a long story short

So, I got married at a later age than most, 38 and knew that I wanted to have a family and so did my husband. We succesfully got pregnant on our own a year and a half after we got married however, sadly this ended in a miscarriage in the 10th week, when I went to the doctor there was no heartbeat. I had no idea. It was what they call a missed AB and so I had to get a DNC procedure. They asked if I wanted to have the tissue examined by a lab to see what had gone wrong, I told them yes. The determined that the cause of the miscarriage was due to a chromosome issue and they said most likely had to do with my age. My husband and I were devastated! were we too late, he was 44 and I almost 40 and we had no children yet! what were our options? We then spent and enormous amount of money doing IVF, we did one round in which we made 3 healthy embroyos and inserted them but ...alas... nothing! what were we to do? I then started to think about adoption, but in the meantime, in the back of my min...